from .Variable import Variable
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from . import ilamblib as il
from cf_units import Unit
import numpy as np
import glob,os,re
from mpi4py import MPI
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("%i" % MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank)
def _skipFile(pathName,altvars,lats,lons,same_site_epsilon):
"""Some simple logic intended to help speed up models which consist of
many single site runs.
if lats is None: return False
if lats.size > 1: return False
with Dataset(pathName) as dset:
for v in altvars:
if v in dset.variables:
V = dset.variables[v]
D = V.dimensions[-1]
if D not in ['data','lndgrid']: continue
if dset.dimensions[D].size > 1: continue
X = dset.variables['lat'][...]
Y = dset.variables['lon'][...]
Y = (Y<=180)*Y + (Y>180)*(Y-360) + (Y<-180)*360
if (np.sqrt((X-lats[0])**2+(Y-lons[0])**2) > same_site_epsilon): return True
return False
[docs]class ModelResult():
"""A class for exploring model results.
This class provides a simplified way of accessing model
results. It is essentially a pointer to a top level directory and
defines the model as all netCDF4 files found in its
subdirectories. If this directory contains model output from
several runs or experiments, you may wish to specify a string (the
*filter* argument) which we will require to be in the filename for
it to be considered part of the model.
path : str
the full path to the directory which contains the model result
modelname : str, optional
a string representing the name of the model, will be used as a
label in plot legends
color : 3-tuple, optional
a normalized tuple representing a color in RGB color space,
will be used to color line plots
filter : str, optional
this string must be in file's name for it to be considered as
part of the model results
model_year : 2-tuple of int, optional
used to shift model times, all model years at model_year[0]
are shifted to model_year[1]
def __init__(self,path,modelname="unamed",color=(0,0,0),filter="",regex="",model_year=None,paths=None,description="",group=""):
self.path = path
self.color = color
self.filter = filter
self.regex = regex
self.shift = 0.
if model_year is not None: self.shift = (model_year[1]-model_year[0])*365. = modelname
self.confrontations = {}
self.cell_areas = None
self.land_fraction = None
self.land_areas = None
self.land_area = None
self.variables = None
self.names = None
self.extents = np.asarray([[-90.,+90.],[-180.,+180.]])
self.paths = paths
self.description = description = group
def __str__(self):
s = ""
s += "ModelResult: %s\n" %
s += "-"*(len( + "\n"
for key in self.names:
s += "{0:>20}: {1:<50}".format(key,self.names[key]) + "\n"
return s
def _findVariables(self):
"""Loops through the netCDF4 files in a model's path and builds a dictionary of which variables are in which files.
def _get(key,dset):
dim_name = key
v = dset.variables[key]
dim_bnd_name = v.getncattr("bounds")
dim_bnd_name = None
return dim_name,dim_bnd_name
variables = {}
names = {}
paths = self.paths if self.paths is not None else [self.path]
experiment_id = None
source_id = None
for path in paths:
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(path,followlinks=True):
for fileName in files:
if not fileName.endswith(".nc"): continue
if self.filter not in fileName: continue
if self.regex is not "":
m =,fileName)
if not m: continue
pathName = os.path.join(subdir,fileName)
dataset = Dataset(pathName)
logger.debug("[%s] Error opening file %s" % (,pathName))
# harvest some model information
if experiment_id is None and "experiment_id" in dataset.ncattrs():
experiment_id = dataset.experiment_id
if source_id is None and "source_id" in dataset.ncattrs():
source_id = dataset.source_id
# populate dictionary for which variables are in which files
for key in dataset.variables.keys():
if key not in variables:
variables[key] = []
v = dataset.variables[key]
if key not in names:
if "long_name" in v.ncattrs():
names[key] = v.long_name
if "standard_name" in v.ncattrs():
names[key] = v.standard_name
# modify the description if none exists
if self.description == "":
d = []
if source_id is not None: d.append(source_id)
if experiment_id is not None: d.append(experiment_id)
self.description = " ".join(d)
# determine spatial extents
lats = [key for key in variables.keys() if (key.lower().startswith("lat" ) or
key.lower(). endswith("lat" ))]
lons = [key for key in variables.keys() if (key.lower().startswith("lon" ) or
key.lower(). endswith("lon" ) or
key.lower().startswith("long") or
key.lower(). endswith("long"))]
for key in lats:
for pathName in variables[key]:
with Dataset(pathName) as dset:
lat = dset.variables[key][...]
if lat.size == 1: continue
self.extents[0,0] = max(self.extents[0,0],lat.min())
self.extents[0,1] = min(self.extents[0,1],lat.max())
for key in lons:
for pathName in variables[key]:
with Dataset(pathName) as dset:
lon = dset.variables[key][...]
if lon.size == 1: continue
if lon.ndim < 1 or lon.ndim > 2: continue
lon = (lon<=180)*lon + (lon>180)*(lon-360) + (lon<-180)*360
self.extents[1,0] = max(self.extents[1,0],lon.min())
self.extents[1,1] = min(self.extents[1,1],lon.max())
# fix extents
eps = 5.
if self.extents[0,0] < (- 90.+eps): self.extents[0,0] = - 90.
if self.extents[0,1] > (+ 90.-eps): self.extents[0,1] = + 90.
if self.extents[1,0] < (-180.+eps): self.extents[1,0] = -180.
if self.extents[1,1] > (+180.-eps): self.extents[1,1] = +180.
self.variables = variables
self.names = names
def _getGridInformation(self):
"""Looks in the model output for cell areas as well as land fractions.
def _shiftLon(lon):
return (lon<=180)*lon + (lon>180)*(lon-360) + (lon<-180)*360
# Are there cell areas associated with this model?
area_name = None
area_name = "area" if "area" in self.variables.keys() else area_name
area_name = "areacella" if "areacella" in self.variables.keys() else area_name
if area_name is not None:
with Dataset(self.variables[area_name][0]) as f:
A = f.variables[area_name]
unit = Unit(A.units) if "units" in A.ncattrs() else Unit("m2")
self.cell_areas = unit.convert(A[...],"m2",inplace=True)
if not ("lat_bnds" in self.variables.keys() and
"lon_bnds" in self.variables.keys()): return
with Dataset(self.variables["lat_bnds"][0]) as f:
x = f.variables["lat_bnds"][...]
with Dataset(self.variables["lon_bnds"][0]) as f:
y = f.variables["lon_bnds"][...]
s = y.mean(axis=1).argmin()
y = np.roll(_shiftLon(y),-s,axis=0)
if y[ 0,0] > y[ 0,1]: y[ 0,0] = -180.
if y[-1,0] > y[-1,1]: y[-1,1] = +180.
self.cell_areas = il.CellAreas(None,None,lat_bnds=x,lon_bnds=y)
# Now we do the same for land fractions
frac_name = None
frac_name = "landfrac" if "landfrac" in self.variables.keys() else frac_name
frac_name = "sftlf" if "sftlf" in self.variables.keys() else frac_name
if frac_name is None:
self.land_areas = self.cell_areas
with Dataset(self.variables[frac_name][0]) as f:
self.land_fraction = f.variables[frac_name][...]
# some models represent the fraction as a percent
if > 10: self.land_fraction *= 0.01
with np.errstate(over='ignore',under='ignore'):
if not np.allclose(self.cell_areas.shape,self.land_fraction.shape):
msg = "The model %s has areacella %s which is a different shape than sftlf %s" % (,
raise ValueError(msg)
self.land_areas = self.cell_areas*self.land_fraction
self.land_area =
[docs] def derivedVariable(self,variable_name,expression,lats=None,lons=None,initial_time=-1e20,final_time=1e20,convert_calendar=True):
"""Creates a variable from an algebraic expression of variables in the model results.
variable_name : str
name of the variable to create
expression : str
an algebraic expression describing how to combine model outputs
initial_time : float, optional
include model results occurring after this time
final_time : float, optional
include model results occurring before this time
lats : numpy.ndarray, optional
a 1D array of latitude locations at which to extract information
lons : numpy.ndarray, optional
a 1D array of longitude locations at which to extract information
var : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the new variable
from sympy import sympify
if expression is None: raise il.VarNotInModel()
args = {}
units = {}
unit = expression
mask = None
time = None
tbnd = None
lat = None
lon = None
ndata = None
area = None
depth = None
dbnds = None
# first pass to make sure all variables are defined in the interval
free_symbols = sympify(expression).free_symbols
Vs = {}; t0 = initial_time; tf = final_time
for arg in free_symbols:
Vs[arg] = self.extractTimeSeries(,
lats = lats,
lons = lons,
convert_calendar = convert_calendar,
initial_time = initial_time,
final_time = final_time)
t0 = max(Vs[arg].time_bnds[ 0,0],t0)
tf = min(Vs[arg].time_bnds[-1,1],tf)
for arg in free_symbols:
var = Vs[arg].trim(t=[t0,tf])
units[] = var.unit
args [] =
if mask is None:
mask =
mask +=
if time is None:
time = var.time
if tbnd is None:
tbnd = var.time_bnds
if lat is None:
lat =
if lon is None:
lon = var.lon
if area is None:
area = var.area
if ndata is None:
ndata = var.ndata
if depth is None:
depth = var.depth
if dbnds is None:
dbnds = var.depth_bnds
result,unit = il.SympifyWithArgsUnits(expression,args,units)
mask += np.isnan(result)
result =,mask=mask)
return Variable(data =,mask=mask),
unit = unit,
name = variable_name,
time = time,
time_bnds = tbnd,
lat = lat,
lon = lon,
area = area,
ndata = ndata,
depth = depth,
depth_bnds = dbnds)