import os
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
[docs]class Regions(object):
"""A class for unifying the treatment of regions in ILAMB.
This class holds a list of all regions currently registered in the
ILAMB system via a static property of the class. It also comes
with methods for defining additional regions by lat/lon bounds or
by a mask specified by a netCDF4 file. A set of regions used in
the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED) is included by default.
_regions = {}
_sources = {}
def regions(self):
"""Returns a list of region identifiers."""
return Regions._regions.keys()
[docs] def addRegionLatLonBounds(self,label,name,lats,lons,source="user-provided latlon bounds"):
"""Add a region by lat/lon bounds.
label : str
the unique region identifier (lower case, no spaces or special characters)
name : str
the name of the region (as will appear in the HTML pull down menu)
lats : array-like of size 2
the minimum and maximum latitudes defining the region on the interval (-90,90)
lons : array-like of size 2
the minimum and maximum longitudes defining the region on the interval (-180,180)
source : str, optional
a string representing the source of the region, purely cosmetic
lat = np.hstack([[- 90.],np.asarray(lats),[ 90.]])
lon = np.hstack([[-180.],np.asarray(lons),[180.]])
mask = np.asarray([[1,1,1],
Regions._regions[label] = [name,lat,lon,mask]
Regions._sources[label] = source
[docs] def addRegionNetCDF4(self,filename):
"""Add regions found in a netCDF4 file.
This routine will search the target filename's variables for
2-dimensional datasets which contain indices representing
distinct non-overlapping regions. Each unique non-masked index
found in this dataset will be added to the global list of
regions along with a mask representing the region. The names
of the regions are taken from a required attribute in the
variable called 'labels'. This attribute should point to a
variable which is a string array labeling each index found in
the two-dimensional dataset.
For example, the following header represents a dataset encoded
to represent 50 of the world's largest river basins. The
'basin_index' variable contains integer indices 0 through 49
where index 0 is labeled by the 0th label found in the 'label'
lat = 360 ;
lon = 720 ;
n = 50 ;
string label(n) ;
label:long_name = "basin labels" ;
float lat(lat) ;
lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
float lon(lon) ;
lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
int basin_index(lat, lon) ;
basin_index:labels = "label" ;
filename : str
the full path of the netCDF4 file containing the regions
regions : list of str
a list of the keys of the regions added.
dset = Dataset(filename)
# look for 2d datasets defined on regular grids
labels = []
for var in dset.variables:
v = dset.variables[var]
if len(v.dimensions) == 2 and "labels" in v.ncattrs():
lat = dset.variables[v.dimensions[0]][...]
lon = dset.variables[v.dimensions[1]][...]
lbl = dset.variables[v.labels ][...]
nam = dset.variables[v.names ][...] if "names" in v.ncattrs() else lbl
ids =[...]))
assert ids.max() < lbl.size
for i in ids:
label = lbl[i].lower()
name = nam[i]
mask = v[...].data != i
Regions._regions[label] = [name,lat,lon,mask]
Regions._sources[label] = os.path.basename(filename)
return labels
[docs] def getRegionName(self,label):
"""Given the region label, return the full name.
label : str
the unique region identifier
name : str
the long name of the region
return Regions._regions[label][0]
[docs] def getRegionSource(self,label):
"""Given the region label, return the source.
label : str
the unique region identifier
name : str
the source of the region
return Regions._sources[label]
[docs] def getMask(self,label,var):
"""Given the region label and a ILAMB.Variable, return a mask appropriate for that variable.
label : str
the unique region identifier
var : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the variable to which we would like to apply a mask
mask : numpy.ndarray
a boolean array appropriate for masking the input variable data
name,lat,lon,mask = Regions._regions[label]
if lat.size == 4 and lon.size == 4:
# if lat/lon bounds, find which bounds we are in
rows = (([:,np.newaxis]>=lat[:-1])*([:,np.newaxis]<=lat[1:])).argmax(axis=1)
cols = ((var.lon[:,np.newaxis]>=lon[:-1])*(var.lon[:,np.newaxis]<=lon[1:])).argmax(axis=1)
# if more globally defined, nearest neighbor is fine
rows = (np.abs(lat[:,np.newaxis]
cols = (np.abs(lon[:,np.newaxis]-var.lon)).argmin(axis=0)
if var.ndata: return mask[np.ix_(rows,cols)].diagonal()
return mask[np.ix_(rows,cols)]
[docs] def hasData(self,label,var):
"""Checks if the ILAMB.Variable has data on the given region.
label : str
the unique region identifier
var : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the variable to which we would like check for data
hasdata : boolean
returns True if variable has data on the given region
axes = range(
if var.spatial: axes = axes[:-2]
if var.ndata : axes = axes[:-1]
keep = (self.getMask(label,var)==False)
if == 1:
if keep *= 0
keep *= ( == False).any(axis=tuple(axes))
if keep.sum() > 0: return True
return False
if "global" not in Regions().regions:
# Populate some regions
r = Regions()
src = "ILAMB internal"
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("global","Globe",(-89.999, 89.999),(-179.999, 179.999),src)
Regions._regions["global"][3][...] = 0. # ensure global mask is null
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("globe","Global - All",(-89.999, 89.999),(-179.999, 179.999),src)
Regions._regions["globe"][3][...] = 0. # ensure global mask is null
# GFED regions
src = "Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED)"
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("bona","Boreal North America", ( 49.75, 79.75),(-170.25,- 60.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("tena","Temperate North America", ( 30.25, 49.75),(-125.25,- 66.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("ceam","Central America", ( 9.75, 30.25),(-115.25,- 80.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("nhsa","Northern Hemisphere South America",( 0.25, 12.75),(- 80.25,- 50.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("shsa","Southern Hemisphere South America",(-59.75, 0.25),(- 80.25,- 33.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("euro","Europe", ( 35.25, 70.25),(- 10.25, 30.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("mide","Middle East", ( 20.25, 40.25),(- 10.25, 60.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("nhaf","Northern Hemisphere Africa", ( 0.25, 20.25),(- 20.25, 45.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("shaf","Southern Hemisphere Africa", (-34.75, 0.25),( 10.25, 45.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("boas","Boreal Asia", ( 54.75, 70.25),( 30.25, 179.75),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("ceas","Central Asia", ( 30.25, 54.75),( 30.25, 142.58),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("seas","Southeast Asia", ( 5.25, 30.25),( 65.25, 120.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("eqas","Equatorial Asia", (-10.25, 10.25),( 99.75, 150.25),src)
r.addRegionLatLonBounds("aust","Australia", (-41.25,-10.50),( 112.00, 154.00),src)