Release of the International Ocean Model Benchmarking (IOMB) configuration

24 Jun 2023 - Nathan Collier

The code, datasets, and auxillary files needed to reproduce the analysis described in Fu2022 and which generated figure 5.22 of the AR6 WG1 report (shown below) is now a supported configuration in the ILAMB codebase. You will need to update to at least v2.7 and then use the following resources.

  • The ocean benchmarking data may be obtained via ilamb-fetch --remote_root or can be incorporated directly into your analysis scripts using the IOMB intake catalog.
  • If you have a question about this analysis or a suggestion for another dataset, please raise an issue here. This repository also houses the scripts we use to automatically download and format our reference data.
  • You will need this configuration file which describes the set of reference data to compare against models.
  • We have applied this configuration to a collection of CMIP6 models and host the results for the community to use.