
class ILAMB.Confrontation.Confrontation(**keywords)[source]

A generic class for confronting model results with observational data.

This class is meant to provide the user with a simple way to specify observational datasets and compare them to model results. A generic analysis routine is called which checks mean states of the variables, afterwhich the results are tabulated and plotted automatically. A HTML page is built dynamically as plots are created based on available information and successful analysis.

  • name (str) – a name for the confrontation

  • source (str) – full path to the observational dataset

  • variable_name (str) – name of the variable to extract from the source dataset

  • output_path (str, optional) – path into which all output from this confrontation will be generated

  • alternate_vars (list of str, optional) – other accepted variable names when extracting from models

  • derived (str, optional) – an algebraic expression which captures how the confrontation variable may be generated

  • regions (list of str, optional) – a list of regions over which the spatial analysis will be performed (default is global)

  • table_unit (str, optional) – the unit to use in the output HTML table

  • plot_unit (str, optional) – the unit to use in the output images

  • space_mean (bool, optional) – enable to take spatial means (as opposed to spatial integrals) in the analysis (enabled by default)

  • relationships (list of ILAMB.Confrontation.Confrontation, optional) – a list of confrontations with whose data we use to study relationships

  • cmap (str, optional) – the colormap to use in rendering plots (default is ‘jet’)

  • land (str, bool) – enable to force the masking of areas with no land (default is False)

  • limit_type (str) – change the types of plot limits, one of [‘minmax’, ‘99per’ (default)]


Renders plots which display information of all models.


Computes the overall composite score for a given model.


Confronts the input model with the observational data.


Determine the limits of all plots which are inclusive of all ranges.


Generate the HTML for the results of this confrontation.


For a given model, create the plots of the analysis results.





Extracts model data which matches the observational dataset.