- ILAMB.ilamblib.GlobalLatLonGrid(res, **keywords)[source]¶
Generates a latitude/longitude grid at a desired resolution
Computes 1D arrays of latitude and longitude values which correspond to cell interfaces and centroids at a given resolution.
- Parameters
res (float) – the desired resolution of the grid in degrees
from_zero (boolean) – sets longitude convention { True:(0,360), False:(-180,180) }
- Returns
lat_bnd (numpy.ndarray) – a 1D array of latitudes which represent cell interfaces
lon_bnd (numpy.ndarray) – a 1D array of longitudes which represent cell interfaces
lat (numpy.ndarray) – a 1D array of latitudes which represent cell centroids
lon (numpy.ndarray) – a 1D array of longitudes which represent cell centroids