from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator
from .constants import mid_months,bnd_months
from .Regions import Regions
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from datetime import datetime
from cf_units import Unit
from copy import deepcopy
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import logging,re,os
import cftime as cf
from pkg_resources import parse_version, get_distribution
logger = logging.getLogger("%i" % MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank)
class VarNotInFile(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "VarNotInFile"
class VarNotMonthly(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "VarNotMonthly"
class VarNotInModel(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "VarNotInModel"
class VarsNotComparable(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "VarNotComparable"
class VarNotOnTimeScale(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "VarNotOnTimeScale"
class UnknownUnit(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "UnknownUnit"
class AreasNotInModel(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "AreasNotInModel"
class MisplacedData(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "MisplacedData"
class NotTemporalVariable(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "NotTemporalVariable"
class NotSpatialVariable(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "NotSpatialVariable"
class UnitConversionError(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "UnitConversionError"
class AnalysisError(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "AnalysisError"
class NotLayeredVariable(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "NotLayeredVariable"
class NotDatasiteVariable(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "NotDatasiteVariable"
class MonotonicityError(Exception):
def __str__(self): return "MonotonicityError"
def FixDumbUnits(unit):
r"""Try to fix the dumb units people insist on using.
unit : str
the trial unit
unit : str
the fixed unit
# Various synonyms for 1
if unit.lower().strip() in ["unitless",
"none"]: unit = "1"
# Remove the C which so often is used to mean carbon but actually means coulomb
tokens = re.findall(r"[\w']+", unit)
for i,token in enumerate(tokens):
if token.endswith("C"):
if Unit(token[:-1]).is_convertible(Unit("g")):
unit = unit.replace(token,token[:-1])
elif (i > 0) and Unit(tokens[i-1]).is_convertible(Unit("g")):
unit = unit.replace(" C","")
# ... and Nitrogen
for i,token in enumerate(tokens):
if token.endswith("N"):
if Unit(token[:-1]).is_convertible(Unit("g")):
unit = unit.replace(token,token[:-1])
elif (i > 0) and Unit(tokens[i-1]).is_convertible(Unit("g")):
unit = unit.replace(" N","")
return unit
[docs]def GenerateDistinctColors(N,saturation=0.67,value=0.67):
r"""Generates a series of distinct colors.
Computes N distinct colors using HSV color space, holding the
saturation and value levels constant and linearly vary the
hue. Colors are returned as a RGB tuple.
N : int
number of distinct colors to generate
saturation : float, optional
argument of HSV color space
value : float, optional
argument of HSV color space
RGB_tuples : list
list of N distinct RGB tuples
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
HSV_tuples = [(x/float(N), saturation, value) for x in range(N)]
RGB_tuples = list(map(lambda x: hsv_to_rgb(*x), HSV_tuples))
return RGB_tuples
def GuessAlpha(t):
"""Guess at what point in the time interval is the given time.
Although part of the CF standard, many datasets do not have the
bounds specifed on the time variable. This is complicated by the
many conventions that groups have regarding at what point in the
time interval the time is reported. In the absence of given
bounds, we guess here at what convention was used.
t: netCDF4.Variable
the dataset or array representing the times of the intervals
alpha: float
estimated location in the time interval where the given time
is defined
if t.size == 1: return 0.5
t0 = cf.num2date(t[0],t.units,calendar=t.calendar)
t1 = cf.num2date(t[1],t.units,calendar=t.calendar)
dt = (t1-t0).total_seconds()/3600/24
if np.allclose(dt,365.,atol=10):
# annual: assumes that the first time entry represents the beginning of a decade
y0 = cf.date2num(cf.datetime(10*(t0.year/10),1,1),t.units,calendar=t.calendar)
alpha = np.round((t[0]-y0)/dt,1).clip(0,1)
elif np.allclose(dt,30,atol=4):
# monthly: assumes that the first time entry represents the beginning of a year
m0 = cf.date2num(cf.datetime(t0.year,1,1),t.units,calendar=t.calendar)
alpha = np.round((t[0]-m0)/dt,1).clip(0,1)
elif dt < 0.9:
# sub-daily: assumes that the first time entry represents the beginning of a day
h0 = cf.date2num(cf.datetime(t0.year,t0.month,,t.units,calendar=t.calendar)
alpha = np.round((t[0]-h0)/dt,1)
msg = "GuessAlpha for dt = %f [d] not implemented yet" % (dt)
raise ValueError(msg)
return alpha
def CreateTimeBounds(t,alpha=0.5):
"""Create time bounds from a time array.
t: netCDF4.Variable or numpy.ndarray
the dataset or array representing the times of the intervals
alpha: float
the fraction of the interval to use to set the bounds
tb: numpy.ndarray (t.size,2)
the bounds of the given time array
Using alpha = 0.5 will create bounds in the middle of each time
point. An alpha = 0 will use the given time as the beginning of
the interval and alpha = 1 will use the given time as the end of
the interval.
if ((alpha<0)+(alpha>1)):
msg = "Alpha out of bounds, should be (0 <= %g <= 1)" % alpha
raise ValueError(msg)
if t.size == 1: return np.asarray([[t[0],t[0]]])
dt = np.diff(t)
dt = np.hstack([dt[0],dt,dt[-1]])
tb = np.asarray([t - alpha *dt[:-1],
t + (1.-alpha)*dt[+1:]]).T
return tb
[docs]def ConvertCalendar(t,units,calendar):
return cf.date2num(cf.datetime(t.year,t.month,,t.hour,t.minute,t.second),units,calendar=calendar)
def GetTime(var,t0=None,tf=None,convert_calendar=True,ignore_time_array=True):
# New method of handling time does not like my biggest/smallest time convention
if t0 is not None:
if np.allclose(t0,-1e20): t0 = None
if tf is not None:
if np.allclose(tf,+1e20): tf = None
# Get parent dataset/group
dset =
vname = "%s:%s" % (dset.filepath(),
CB = None
# What is the time dimension called in the dataset/variable?
time_name = [name for name in var.dimensions if "time" in name.lower()]
if len(time_name) == 0:
return None,None,None,None,None,None
elif len(time_name) > 1:
msg = "Ambiguous 'time' dimension in the variable %s, one of these [%s]" % (vname,",".join(time_name))
raise IOError(msg)
time_name = time_name[0]
t = dset.variables[time_name]
# Check for units on time
if "units" not in t.ncattrs():
msg = "No units given in the time variable in %s:%s" % (dset.filepath(),time_name)
raise ValueError(msg)
if "calendar" not in t.ncattrs():
msg = "No calendar given in the time variable in %s:%s" % (dset.filepath(),time_name)
raise ValueError(msg)
# If no time bounds we create them
time_bnds_name = t.bounds if "bounds" in t.ncattrs() else None
if time_bnds_name is not None:
if time_bnds_name not in dset.variables.keys():
msg = "Time bounds specified in %s as %s, but not a variable in the dataset, found these [%s]" % (time_name,time_bnds_name,dset.variables.keys())
raise IOError(msg)
tb = dset.variables[time_bnds_name][...]
tb = CreateTimeBounds(t,alpha=GuessAlpha(t))
if "climatology" in t.ncattrs():
clim_name = t.climatology
if clim_name not in dset.variables.keys():
msg = "Climatology bounds specified in %s as %s, but not a variable in the dataset, found these [%s]" % (time_name,clim_name,dset.variables.keys())
raise IOError(msg)
CB = dset.variables[clim_name][...]
if not np.allclose(CB.shape,[12,2]):
msg = "ILAMB only supports annual cycle style climatologies"
raise IOError(msg)
CB = np.round(CB[0,:]/365.+1850.)
# Convert the input beginning/ending time to the current calendar/datum
if t0 is not None:
t0 = cf.num2date(t0,units="days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00",calendar="noleap")
t0 = ConvertCalendar(t0,t.units,t.calendar)
if (t0 > tb[-1,1]): return None,None,None,None,None,None
if tf is not None:
tf = cf.num2date(tf,units="days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00",calendar="noleap")
tf = ConvertCalendar(tf,t.units,t.calendar)
if (tf < tb[0,0]): return None,None,None,None,None,None
# Subset by the desired initial and final times
dt = np.diff(tb,axis=1)[:,0]
begin = 0
end = t.size-1
if t0 is not None:
begin = np.where(t0>(tb[:,0]-0.01*dt))[0]
begin = begin[-1] if begin.size > 0 else 0
if tf is not None:
end = np.where(tf<(tb[:,1]+0.01*dt))[0]
end = end[0] if end.size > 0 else t.size-1
T = np.asarray(t [begin:(end+1)])
TB = np.asarray(tb[begin:(end+1)])
if ignore_time_array: T = TB.mean(axis=1)
# Are the time intervals consecutively
if not np.allclose(TB[1:,0],TB[:-1,1]):
msg = "Time intervals defined in %s:%s are not continuous" % (dset.filepath(),time_bnds_name)
raise ValueError(msg)
# Do the times lie in the bounds
TF = (T >= TB[:,0])*(T <= TB[:,1])
if not TF.all():
index = ["%d" % i for i in np.where(TF==False)[0]]
msg = "Times at indices [%s] do not fall inside of the corresponding bounds in %s:%s and %s" % (",".join(index),dset.filepath(),time_name,time_bnds_name)
raise ValueError(msg)
# Convert time array to ILAMB default calendar / datum
datum_shift = (cf.num2date(0,"days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00",calendar=t.calendar)-
cf.num2date(0,t.units ,calendar=t.calendar)).total_seconds()
msg = "Error in computing the datum: t.units = %s, t.calendar = %s" % (t.units,t.calendar)
raise ValueError(msg)
if ((abs(datum_shift) > 60) or (convert_calendar and t.calendar != "noleap")):
T = cf.num2date(T ,units=t.units,calendar=t.calendar)
TB = cf.num2date(TB,units=t.units,calendar=t.calendar)
for index,x in np.ndenumerate(T):
T [index] = ConvertCalendar(x,"days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00","noleap" if convert_calendar else t.calendar)
for index,x in np.ndenumerate(TB):
TB[index] = ConvertCalendar(x,"days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00","noleap" if convert_calendar else t.calendar)
cal = "noleap" if convert_calendar else t.calendar
return T.astype(float),TB.astype(float),CB,begin,end,cal
[docs]def CellAreas(lat,lon,lat_bnds=None,lon_bnds=None):
"""Given arrays of latitude and longitude, return cell areas in square meters.
lat : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of latitudes which represent cell centroids
lon : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of longitudes which represent cell centroids
areas : numpy.ndarray
a 2D array of cell areas in [m2]
from .constants import earth_rad
if (lat_bnds is not None and lon_bnds is not None):
return earth_rad**2*np.outer((np.sin(lat_bnds[:,1]*np.pi/180.)-
x = np.zeros(lon.size+1)
x[1:-1] = 0.5*(lon[1:]+lon[:-1])
x[ 0] = lon[ 0]-0.5*(lon[ 1]-lon[ 0])
x[-1] = lon[-1]+0.5*(lon[-1]-lon[-2])
if(x.max() > 181): x -= 180
x = x.clip(-180,180)
x *= np.pi/180.
y = np.zeros(lat.size+1)
y[1:-1] = 0.5*(lat[1:]+lat[:-1])
y[ 0] = lat[ 0]-0.5*(lat[ 1]-lat[ 0])
y[-1] = lat[-1]+0.5*(lat[-1]-lat[-2])
y = y.clip(-90,90)
y *= np.pi/180.
dx = earth_rad*(x[1:]-x[:-1])
dy = earth_rad*(np.sin(y[1:])-np.sin(y[:-1]))
areas = np.outer(dx,dy).T
return areas
[docs]def GlobalLatLonGrid(res,**keywords):
r"""Generates a latitude/longitude grid at a desired resolution
Computes 1D arrays of latitude and longitude values which
correspond to cell interfaces and centroids at a given resolution.
res : float
the desired resolution of the grid in degrees
from_zero : boolean
sets longitude convention { True:(0,360), False:(-180,180) }
lat_bnd : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of latitudes which represent cell interfaces
lon_bnd : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of longitudes which represent cell interfaces
lat : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of latitudes which represent cell centroids
lon : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of longitudes which represent cell centroids
from_zero = keywords.get("from_zero",False)
res_lat = keywords.get("res_lat",res)
res_lon = keywords.get("res_lon",res)
nlon = int(360./res_lon)+1
nlat = int(180./res_lat)+1
lon_bnd = np.linspace(-180,180,nlon)
if from_zero: lon_bnd += 180
lat_bnd = np.linspace(-90,90,nlat)
lat = 0.5*(lat_bnd[1:]+lat_bnd[:-1])
lon = 0.5*(lon_bnd[1:]+lon_bnd[:-1])
return lat_bnd,lon_bnd,lat,lon
[docs]def NearestNeighborInterpolation(lat1,lon1,data1,lat2,lon2):
r"""Interpolates globally grided data at another resolution
lat1 : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of latitudes of cell centroids corresponding to the
source data
lon1 : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of longitudes of cell centroids corresponding to the
source data
data1 : numpy.ndarray
an array of data to be interpolated of shape = (lat1.size,lon1.size,...)
lat2 : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of latitudes of cell centroids corresponding to the
target resolution
lon2 : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of longitudes of cell centroids corresponding to the
target resolution
data2 : numpy.ndarray
an array of interpolated data of shape = (lat2.size,lon2.size,...)
rows = np.apply_along_axis(np.argmin,1,np.abs(lat2[:,np.newaxis]-lat1))
cols = np.apply_along_axis(np.argmin,1,np.abs(lon2[:,np.newaxis]-lon1))
data2 = data1[np.ix_(rows,cols)]
return data2
[docs]def TrueError(lat1_bnd,lon1_bnd,lat1,lon1,data1,lat2_bnd,lon2_bnd,lat2,lon2,data2):
r"""Computes the pointwise difference between two sets of gridded data
To obtain the pointwise error we populate a list of common cell
interfaces and then interpolate both input arrays to the composite
grid resolution using nearest-neighbor interpolation.
lat1_bnd, lon1_bnd, lat1, lon1 : numpy.ndarray
1D arrays corresponding to the latitude/longitudes of the cell
data1 : numpy.ndarray
an array of data to be interpolated of shape = (lat1.size,lon1.size,...)
lat2_bnd, lon2_bnd, lat2, lon2 : numpy.ndarray
1D arrays corresponding to the latitude/longitudes of the cell
data2 : numpy.ndarray
an array of data to be interpolated of shape = (lat2.size,lon2.size,...)
lat_bnd, lon_bnd, lat, lon : numpy.ndarray
1D arrays corresponding to the latitude/longitudes of the cell
interfaces/centroids of the resulting error
error : numpy array
an array of the pointwise error of shape = (lat.size,lon.size,...)
# combine limits, sort and remove duplicates
lat_bnd = np.hstack((lat1_bnd,lat2_bnd)); lat_bnd.sort(); lat_bnd = np.unique(lat_bnd)
lon_bnd = np.hstack((lon1_bnd,lon2_bnd)); lon_bnd.sort(); lon_bnd = np.unique(lon_bnd)
# need centroids of new grid for nearest-neighbor interpolation
lat = 0.5*(lat_bnd[1:]+lat_bnd[:-1])
lon = 0.5*(lon_bnd[1:]+lon_bnd[:-1])
# interpolate datasets at new grid
d1 = NearestNeighborInterpolation(lat1,lon1,data1,lat,lon)
d2 = NearestNeighborInterpolation(lat2,lon2,data2,lat,lon)
# relative to the first grid/data
error = d2-d1
return lat_bnd,lon_bnd,lat,lon,error
[docs]def SympifyWithArgsUnits(expression,args,units):
"""Uses symbolic algebra to determine the final unit of an expression.
expression : str
the expression whose units you wish to simplify
args : dict
a dictionary of numpy arrays whose keys are the
variables written in the input expression
units : dict
a dictionary of strings representing units whose keys are the
variables written in the input expression
from sympy import sympify,postorder_traversal
expression = sympify(expression)
# try to convert all arguments to same units if possible, it
# catches most use cases
keys = list(args.keys())
for i,key0 in enumerate(keys):
for key in keys[(i+1):]:
units[key] = units[key0]
for expr in postorder_traversal(expression):
ekey = str(expr)
if expr.is_Add:
# if there are scalars in the expression, these will not
# be in the units dictionary. Add them and give them an
# implicit unit of 1
keys = [str(arg) for arg in expr.args]
for key in keys:
if key not in units: units[key] = "1"
# if we are adding, all arguments must have the same unit.
key0 = keys[0]
for key in keys:
units[key] = units[key0]
units[ekey] = "%s" % (units[key0])
elif expr.is_Pow:
# if raising to a power, just create the new unit
keys = [str(arg) for arg in expr.args]
units[ekey] = "(%s)%s" % (units[keys[0]],keys[1])
elif expr.is_Mul:
# just create the new unit
keys = [str(arg) for arg in expr.args]
units[ekey] = " ".join(["(%s)" % units[key] for key in keys if key in units])
return sympify(str(expression),locals=args),units[ekey]
def ComputeIndexingArrays(lat2d,lon2d,lat,lon):
lat : numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of latitudes of cell centroids
lon : numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of longitudes of cell centroids
# Prepare the interpolator
points = np.asarray([lat2d.flatten(),lon2d.flatten()]).T
values = np.asarray([(np.arange(lat2d.shape[0])[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones (lat2d.shape[1])).flatten(),
(np.ones (lat2d.shape[0])[:,np.newaxis]*np.arange(lat2d.shape[1])).flatten()]).T
fcn = NearestNDInterpolator(points,values)
LAT,LON = np.meshgrid(lat,lon,indexing='ij')
gmap = fcn(LAT.flatten(),LON.flatten()).astype(int)
return gmap[:,0].reshape(LAT.shape),gmap[:,1].reshape(LAT.shape)
def ExtendAnnualCycle(time,cycle_data,cycle_time):
ind = np.abs((time[:,np.newaxis] % 365)-(cycle_time % 365)).argmin(axis=1)
assert (ind.max() < 12)*(ind.min() >= 0)
return cycle_data[ind]
def _shiftDatum(t,datum,calendar):
return date2num(num2date(t[...],datum,calendar=calendar),
"days since 1850-1-1",
def _removeLeapDay(t,v,datum=None,calendar=None,t0=None,tf=None):
Shifts the datum and removes leap day if present.
t : netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable
the variable representing time in any calendar with any datum
v : netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable
the variable representing the data
datum : str, optional
the datum to which we will shift the variable
t0 : float, optional
the initial time in 'days since 1850-1-1'
tf : float, optional
the final time in 'days since 1850-1-1'
datum0 = "days since 1850-1-1"
if calendar is None:
if "calendar" in t.ncattrs(): calendar = t.calendar
if datum is None:
if "units" in t.ncattrs(): datum = t.units
# shift their datum to our datum
tdata = _shiftDatum(t,datum,calendar)
if tdata.ndim > 1: tdata = tdata[:,0]
# convert the time array to datetime objects in the native calendar
T = num2date(tdata,"days since 1850-1-1",calendar=calendar)
# find a boolean array which is true where time values are on leap day
leap_day = np.asarray([1 if (x.month == 2 and == 29) else 0 for x in T],dtype=bool)
# then we need to shift the times by the times we will remove
dt = np.hstack([0,np.diff(tdata)]) # assumes that the time is at the beginning of the interval
tdata -= (leap_day*dt).cumsum() # shift by removed time
t_index = np.where(leap_day==False)[0] # indices that we keep
tdata = tdata[t_index] # remove leap day
# finally we need to shift by the number of leap days since our new datum
tdata -= date2num(T[0],"days since 1850-1-1",calendar) - date2num(T[0],"days since 1850-1-1","noleap")
# where do we slice the array
begin = 0; end = t.size
if t0 is not None: begin = max(tdata.searchsorted(t0)-1,begin)
if tf is not None: end = min(tdata.searchsorted(tf)+1,end)
tdata = tdata[ begin:end ]
vdata = v[t_index,...][begin:end,...] # not as memory efficient as it could be
return tdata,vdata
[docs]def FromNetCDF4(filename,variable_name,alternate_vars=[],t0=None,tf=None,group=None,convert_calendar=True):
"""Extracts data from a netCDF4 datafile for use in a Variable object.
Intended to be used inside of the Variable constructor. Some of
the return arguments will be None depending on the contents of the
netCDF4 file.
filename : str
Name of the netCDF4 file from which to extract a variable
variable_name : str
Name of the variable to extract from the netCDF4 file
alternate_vars : list of str, optional
A list of possible alternate variable names to find
t0 : float, optional
If temporal, specifying the initial time can reduce memory
usage and speed up access time.
tf : float, optional
If temporal, specifying the final time can reduce memory
usage and speed up access time.
data :
The array which contains the data which constitutes the variable
unit : str
The unit of the input data
name : str
The name of the variable, will be how it is saved in an output netCDF4 file
time : numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of times in days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00
time_bnds : numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of time bounds in days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00
lat : numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of latitudes of cell centroids
lon : numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of longitudes of cell centroids
area : numpy.ndarray
A 2D array of the cell areas
ndata : int
Number of data sites this data represents
depth_bnds : numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of the depth boundaries of each cell
dset = Dataset(filename,mode="r")
if parse_version(get_distribution("netCDF4").version) >= parse_version("1.4.1"):
if group is None:
grp = dset
grp = dset.groups[group]
except RuntimeError:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to open the file: %s" % filename)
found = False
if variable_name in grp.variables.keys():
found = True
var = grp.variables[variable_name]
while alternate_vars.count(None) > 0: alternate_vars.pop(alternate_vars.index(None))
for var_name in alternate_vars:
if var_name in grp.variables.keys():
found = True
var = grp.variables[var_name]
if found == False:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find [%s] in the file: %s" % (",".join(alternate_vars),filename))
# Copy attributes into a dictionary
attr = { attr: var.getncattr(attr) for attr in var.ncattrs() }
# Check on dimensions
time_name = [name for name in var.dimensions if "time" in name.lower()]
lat_name = [name for name in var.dimensions if "lat" in name.lower()]
lon_name = [name for name in var.dimensions if "lon" in name.lower()]
data_name = [name for name in var.dimensions if name.lower() in ["data","lndgrid","gridcell"]]
missed = [name for name in var.dimensions if name not in (time_name +
lat_name +
lon_name +
# Lat/lon might be indexing arrays, find their shape
shp = None
if (len(lat_name) == 0 and len(lon_name) == 0 and len(missed) >= 2 and len(data_name) == 0):
# remove these dimensions from the missed variables
i,j = var.dimensions[-2],var.dimensions[-1]
if i in missed: missed.pop(missed.index(i))
if j in missed: missed.pop(missed.index(j))
i = grp.variables[i]
j = grp.variables[j]
if (np.issubdtype(i.dtype,np.integer) and
np.issubdtype(j.dtype,np.integer)): shp = [len(i),len(j)]
# Lat/lon might just be sizes
if (len(lat_name) == 1 and len(lon_name) == 1):
if not (lat_name[0] in grp.variables and lon_name[0] in grp.variables):
shp = [len(grp.dimensions[lat_name[0]]),len(grp.dimensions[lon_name[0]])]
# If these were sizes, then we need to find the correct 2D lat/lon arrays
if shp is not None:
# We want to remove any false positives we might find. I don't
# want to consider variables which are 'bounds' or dimensions
# of others, nor those that don't have the correct shape.
bnds = [grp.variables[v].bounds for v in grp.variables if "bounds" in grp.variables[v].ncattrs()]
dims = [v for v in grp.variables if (v in grp.dimensions)]
poss = [v for v in grp.variables if (v not in dims and
v not in bnds and
np.allclose(shp,grp.variables[v].shape) if len(shp) == len(grp.variables[v].shape) else False)]
lat_name = [name for name in poss if "lat" in name.lower()]
lon_name = [name for name in poss if "lon" in name.lower()]
# If still ambiguous, look inside the variable attributes for
# the presence of the variable name to give further
# preference.
attrs = [str(var.getncattr(attr)) for attr in var.ncattrs()]
if len(lat_name) == 0: raise ValueError("Unable to find values for the latitude dimension in %s" % (filename))
if len(lat_name) > 1:
tmp_name = [name for name in lat_name if np.any([name in attr for attr in attrs])]
if len(tmp_name) > 0: lat_name = tmp_name
if len(lon_name) == 0: raise ValueError("Unable to find values for the longitude dimension in %s" % (filename))
if len(lon_name) > 1:
tmp_name = [name for name in lon_name if np.any([name in attr for attr in attrs])]
if len(tmp_name) > 0: lon_name = tmp_name
# Lat dimension
if len(lat_name) == 1:
lat_name = lat_name[0]
lat_bnd_name = grp.variables[lat_name].bounds if (lat_name in grp.variables and
"bounds" in grp.variables[lat_name].ncattrs()) else None
if lat_bnd_name not in grp.variables: lat_bnd_name = None
elif len(lat_name) >= 1:
raise ValueError("Ambiguous choice of values for the latitude dimension [%s] in %s" % (",".join(lat_name),filename))
lat_name = None
lat_bnd_name = None
# Lon dimension
if len(lon_name) == 1:
lon_name = lon_name[0]
lon_bnd_name = grp.variables[lon_name].bounds if (lon_name in grp.variables and
"bounds" in grp.variables[lon_name].ncattrs()) else None
if lon_bnd_name not in grp.variables: lon_bnd_name = None
elif len(lon_name) >= 1:
raise ValueError("Ambiguous choice of values for the longitude dimension [%s] in %s" % (",".join(lon_name),filename))
lon_name = None
lon_bnd_name = None
# Data dimension
if len(data_name) == 1:
data_name = data_name[0]
elif len(data_name) >= 1:
raise ValueError("Ambiguous choice of values for the data dimension [%s] in %s" % (",".join(data_name),filename))
data_name = None
# The layered dimension is whatever is leftover since its name
# could be many things
if len(missed) == 1:
depth_name = missed[0]
depth_bnd_name = grp.variables[depth_name].bounds if (depth_name in grp.variables and
"bounds" in grp.variables[depth_name].ncattrs()) else None
if depth_bnd_name not in grp.variables: depth_bnd_name = None
elif len(missed) >= 1:
raise ValueError("Ambiguous choice of values for the layered dimension [%s] in %s" % (",".join(missed),filename))
depth_name = None
depth_bnd_name = None
# Based on present values, get dimensions and bounds
t = None; t_bnd = None
lat = None; lat_bnd = None
lon = None; lon_bnd = None
depth = None; depth_bnd = None
data = None;
cbounds = None
t,t_bnd,cbounds,begin,end,calendar = GetTime(var,t0=t0,tf=tf,convert_calendar=convert_calendar)
# Are there uncertainties?
v_bnd = None
if "bounds" in var.ncattrs(): v_bnd = var.bounds
v_bnd = grp.variables[v_bnd] if v_bnd in grp.variables.keys() else None
if begin is None:
v = var[...]
if v_bnd: v_bnd = v_bnd[...]
v = var[begin:(end+1),...]
if v_bnd: v_bnd = v_bnd[begin:(end+1),...]
if lat_name is not None: lat = grp.variables[lat_name] [...]
if lat_bnd_name is not None: lat_bnd = grp.variables[lat_bnd_name] [...]
if lon_name is not None: lon = grp.variables[lon_name] [...]
if lon_bnd_name is not None: lon_bnd = grp.variables[lon_bnd_name] [...]
if depth_name is not None:
dunit = None
if "units" in grp.variables[depth_name].ncattrs(): dunit = grp.variables[depth_name].units
depth = grp.variables[depth_name][...]
if depth_bnd_name is not None:
depth_bnd = grp.variables[depth_bnd_name][...]
if dunit is not None:
if not (Unit(dunit).is_convertible(Unit("m")) or Unit(dunit).is_convertible(Unit("Pa"))):
raise ValueError("Units [%s] not compatible with [m,Pa] of the layered dimension [%s] in %s" % (dunit,depth_name,filename))
if Unit(dunit).is_convertible(Unit("m")):
depth = Unit(dunit).convert(depth,Unit("m"),inplace=True)
if depth_bnd is not None:
depth_bnd = Unit(dunit).convert(depth_bnd,Unit("m"),inplace=True)
if Unit(dunit).is_convertible(Unit("Pa")):
# FIX: converts the pressure to meters, but assumes it
# is coming from the atmosphere. This will be
# problematic for ocean quantities.
depth = Unit(dunit).convert(depth,Unit("Pa"),inplace=True)
Pb = 101325.; Tb = 273.15; R = 8.3144598; g = 9.80665; M = 0.0289644
depth = -np.log(depth/Pb)*R*Tb/M/g
if depth_bnd is not None:
depth_bnd = Unit(dunit).convert(depth_bnd,Unit("Pa"),inplace=True)
depth_bnd = -np.log(depth_bnd/Pb)*R*Tb/M/g
if data_name is not None:
data = len(grp.dimensions[data_name])
# if we have data sites, there may be lat/lon/depth data to
# come along with them although not a dimension of the
# variable
lat_name = []; lon_name = []
for key in grp.variables.keys():
if "lat" in key: lat_name.append(key)
if "lon" in key: lon_name.append(key)
if "altitude" in key: depth_name = key
if len(lat_name) > 1: lat_name = [n for n in lat_name if grp.variables[n].dimensions[0] in var.dimensions]
if len(lon_name) > 1: lon_name = [n for n in lon_name if grp.variables[n].dimensions[0] in var.dimensions]
if len(lat_name) > 0: lat = grp.variables[lat_name[0]][...]
if len(lon_name) > 0: lon = grp.variables[lon_name[0]][...]
if depth_name is not None: depth = grp.variables[depth_name][...]
if lat is not None:
if lat.size != data: lat = None
if lon is not None:
if lon.size != data: lon = None
if depth is not None:
if depth.size != data: depth = None
# If lat and lon are 2D, then we will need to interpolate things
if lat is not None and lon is not None:
if lat.ndim == 2 and lon.ndim == 2:
assert lat.shape == lon.shape
# Create the grid
res = 1.0
lat_bnds = np.arange(round(lat.min(),0),
lon_bnds = np.arange(round(lon.min(),0),
lats = 0.5*(lat_bnds[:-1]+lat_bnds[1:])
lons = 0.5*(lon_bnds[:-1]+lon_bnds[1:])
ilat,ilon = ComputeIndexingArrays(lat,lon,lats,lons)
r = np.sqrt( (lat[ilat,ilon]-lats[:,np.newaxis])**2 +
(lon[ilat,ilon]-lons[np.newaxis,:])**2 )
v = v[...,ilat,ilon]
v =,mask=v.mask+(r>2*res))
lat = lats
lon = lons
lat_bnd = np.zeros((lat.size,2))
lat_bnd[:,0] = lat_bnds[:-1]
lat_bnd[:,1] = lat_bnds[+1:]
lon_bnd = lon_bnds
lon_bnd = np.zeros((lon.size,2))
lon_bnd[:,0] = lon_bnds[:-1]
lon_bnd[:,1] = lon_bnds[+1:]
# handle incorrect or absent masking of arrays
if type(v) != type(
mask = np.zeros(v.shape,dtype=int)
if "_FillValue" in var.ncattrs(): mask += (np.abs(v-var._FillValue )<1e-12)
if "missing_value" in var.ncattrs(): mask += (np.abs(v-var.missing_value)<1e-12)
v =,mask=mask,copy=False)
if "units" in var.ncattrs():
units = FixDumbUnits(var.units)
units = "1"
return v,v_bnd,units,variable_name,t,t_bnd,lat,lat_bnd,lon,lon_bnd,depth,depth_bnd,cbounds,data,calendar,attr
[docs]def Score(var,normalizer):
"""Remaps a normalized variable to the interval [0,1].
var : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
The variable to normalize, usually represents an error of some sort
normalizer : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
The variable by which we normalize
from .Variable import Variable
name ="bias","bias_score")
name = name.replace("diff","diff_score")
name = name.replace("rmse","rmse_score")
name = name.replace("iav" ,"iav_score")
data = np.exp(-np.abs(
data[data<1e-16] = 0.
return Variable(name = name,
data = data,
unit = "1",
ndata = var.ndata,
lat =, lat_bnds = var.lat_bnds,
lon = var.lon, lon_bnds = var.lon_bnds,
area = var.area)
[docs]def ComposeSpatialGrids(var1,var2):
"""Creates a grid which conforms the boundaries of both variables.
This routine takes the union of the latitude and longitude
cell boundaries of both grids and returns a new set of
latitudes and longitudes which represent cell centers of the
new grid.
var1,var2 : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
The two variables for which we wish to find a common grid
lat : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of latitudes of cell centroids
lon : numpy.ndarray
a 1D array of longitudes of cell centroids
if not var1.spatial: il.NotSpatialVariable()
if not var2.spatial: il.NotSpatialVariable()
def _make_bnds(x):
bnds = np.zeros(x.size+1)
bnds[1:-1] = 0.5*(x[1:]+x[:-1])
bnds[ 0] = max(x[ 0]-0.5*(x[ 1]-x[ 0]),-180)
bnds[-1] = min(x[-1]+0.5*(x[-1]-x[-2]),+180)
return bnds
lat1_bnd = _make_bnds(
lon1_bnd = _make_bnds(var1.lon)
lat2_bnd = _make_bnds(
lon2_bnd = _make_bnds(var2.lon)
lat_bnd = np.hstack((lat1_bnd,lat2_bnd)); lat_bnd.sort(); lat_bnd = np.unique(lat_bnd)
lon_bnd = np.hstack((lon1_bnd,lon2_bnd)); lon_bnd.sort(); lon_bnd = np.unique(lon_bnd)
lat = 0.5*(lat_bnd[1:]+lat_bnd[:-1])
lon = 0.5*(lon_bnd[1:]+lon_bnd[:-1])
return lat,lon
[docs]def ScoreSeasonalCycle(phase_shift):
"""Computes the seasonal cycle score from the phase shift.
Possible remove this function as we do not compute other score
components via a ilamblib function.
from .Variable import Variable
return Variable(data = (1+np.cos(np.abs(*2*np.pi))*0.5,
unit = "1",
name ="phase_shift","phase_shift_score"),
ndata = phase_shift.ndata,
lat =, lat_bnds = phase_shift.lat_bnds,
lon = phase_shift.lon, lon_bnds = phase_shift.lon_bnds,
area = phase_shift.area)
def _composeGrids(v1,v2):
lat_bnds = np.unique(np.hstack([v1.lat_bnds.flatten(),v2.lat_bnds.flatten()]))
lon_bnds = np.unique(np.hstack([v1.lon_bnds.flatten(),v2.lon_bnds.flatten()]))
lat_bnds = lat_bnds[(lat_bnds>=- 90)*(lat_bnds<=+ 90)]
lon_bnds = lon_bnds[(lon_bnds>=-180)*(lon_bnds<=+180)]
lat_bnds = np.vstack([lat_bnds[:-1],lat_bnds[+1:]]).T
lon_bnds = np.vstack([lon_bnds[:-1],lon_bnds[+1:]]).T
lat = lat_bnds.mean(axis=1)
lon = lon_bnds.mean(axis=1)
return lat,lon,lat_bnds,lon_bnds
def AnalysisMeanStateSites(ref,com,**keywords):
"""Perform a mean state analysis.
This mean state analysis examines the model mean state in space
and time. We compute the mean variable value over the time period
at each spatial cell or data site as appropriate, as well as the
bias and RMSE relative to the observational variable. We will
output maps of the period mean values and bias. For each spatial
cell or data site we also estimate the phase of the variable by
finding the mean time of year when the maximum occurs and the
phase shift by computing the difference in phase with respect to
the observational variable. In the spatial dimension, we compute a
spatial mean for each of the desired regions and an average annual
obs : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the observational (reference) variable
mod : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the model (comparison) variable
regions : list of str, optional
the regions overwhich to apply the analysis
dataset : netCDF4.Dataset, optional
a open dataset in write mode for caching the results of the
analysis which pertain to the model
benchmark_dataset : netCDF4.Dataset, optional
a open dataset in write mode for caching the results of the
analysis which pertain to the observations
space_mean : bool, optional
disable to compute sums of the variable over space instead of
mean values
table_unit : str, optional
the unit to use when displaying output in tables on the HTML page
plots_unit : str, optional
the unit to use when displaying output on plots on the HTML page
from .Variable import Variable
regions = keywords.get("regions" ,["global"])
dataset = keywords.get("dataset" ,None)
benchmark_dataset = keywords.get("benchmark_dataset",None)
space_mean = keywords.get("space_mean" ,True)
table_unit = keywords.get("table_unit" ,None)
plot_unit = keywords.get("plot_unit" ,None)
mass_weighting = keywords.get("mass_weighting" ,False)
skip_rmse = keywords.get("skip_rmse" ,False)
skip_iav = keywords.get("skip_iav" ,True )
skip_cycle = keywords.get("skip_cycle" ,False)
ILAMBregions = Regions()
normalizer = None
# Convert str types to booleans
if type(skip_rmse) == type(""):
skip_rmse = (skip_rmse.lower() == "true")
if type(skip_iav ) == type(""):
skip_iav = (skip_iav .lower() == "true")
if type(skip_cycle) == type(""):
skip_cycle = (skip_cycle.lower() == "true")
# Only study the annual cycle if it makes sense
if not ref.monthly: skip_cycle = True
if ref.time.size < 12: skip_cycle = True
if skip_rmse : skip_iav = True
# We find the mean values over the time period on the original
# grid/datasites of each dataset
ref_timeint = ref.integrateInTime(mean=True)
com_timeint = com.integrateInTime(mean=True)
REF = ref
COM = com
REF_timeint = ref_timeint
COM_timeint = com_timeint
if mass_weighting: normalizer =
# Compute the bias, RMSE, and RMS maps using the interpolated
# quantities
bias = REF_timeint.bias(COM_timeint)
cREF = Variable(name = "centralized %s" %, unit = REF.unit,
data =[np.newaxis,...],,
time = REF.time, time_bnds = REF.time_bnds,
lat = , lat_bnds = REF.lat_bnds,
lon = REF.lon , lon_bnds = REF.lon_bnds,
area = REF.area, ndata = REF.ndata)
crms = cREF.rms ()
bias_score_map = Score(bias,crms)
if not skip_rmse:
cCOM = Variable(name = "centralized %s" %, unit = COM.unit,
data =[np.newaxis,...],,
time = COM.time, time_bnds = COM.time_bnds,
lat = , lat_bnds = COM.lat_bnds,
lon = COM.lon , lon_bnds = COM.lon_bnds,
area = COM.area, ndata = COM.ndata)
rmse = REF.rmse( COM)
crmse = cREF.rmse(cCOM)
rmse_score_map = Score(crmse,crms)
if not skip_iav:
ref_iav = Variable(name = "centralized %s" %, unit = ref.unit,
data =[np.newaxis,...],,
time = ref.time, time_bnds = ref.time_bnds,
lat = , lat_bnds = ref.lat_bnds,
lon = ref.lon , lon_bnds = ref.lon_bnds,
area = ref.area, ndata = ref.ndata).rms()
com_iav = Variable(name = "centralized %s" %, unit = com.unit,
data =[np.newaxis,...],,
time = com.time, time_bnds = com.time_bnds,
lat = , lat_bnds = com.lat_bnds,
lon = com.lon , lon_bnds = com.lon_bnds,
area = com.area, ndata = com.ndata).rms()
REF_iav = Variable(name = "centralized %s" %, unit = REF.unit,
data =[np.newaxis,...],,
time = REF.time, time_bnds = REF.time_bnds,
lat = , lat_bnds = REF.lat_bnds,
lon = REF.lon , lon_bnds = REF.lon_bnds,
area = REF.area, ndata = REF.ndata).rms()
COM_iav = Variable(name = "centralized %s" %, unit = COM.unit,
data =[np.newaxis,...],,
time = COM.time, time_bnds = COM.time_bnds,
lat = , lat_bnds = COM.lat_bnds,
lon = COM.lon , lon_bnds = COM.lon_bnds,
area = COM.area, ndata = COM.ndata).rms()
iav_score_map = Score(Variable(name = "diff %s" %, unit = REF.unit,
data = (,
lat = , lat_bnds = REF.lat_bnds,
lon = REF.lon , lon_bnds = REF.lon_bnds,
area = REF.area, ndata = REF.ndata),
# The phase shift comes from the interpolated quantities
if not skip_cycle:
ref_cycle = REF.annualCycle()
com_cycle = COM.annualCycle()
ref_maxt_map = ref_cycle.timeOfExtrema(etype="max")
com_maxt_map = com_cycle.timeOfExtrema(etype="max")
shift_map = ref_maxt_map.phaseShift(com_maxt_map)
shift_score_map = ScoreSeasonalCycle(shift_map) /= 30.; shift_map.unit = "months"
# Scalars
ref_period_mean = {}; ref_spaceint = {}; ref_mean_cycle = {}; ref_dtcycle = {}
com_period_mean = {}; com_spaceint = {}; com_mean_cycle = {}; com_dtcycle = {}
bias_val = {}; bias_score = {}; rmse_val = {}; rmse_score = {}
space_std = {}; space_cor = {}; sd_score = {}; shift = {}; shift_score = {}; iav_score = {}
ref_union_mean = {}; ref_comp_mean = {}
com_union_mean = {}; com_comp_mean = {}
for region in regions:
ref_period_mean[region] = ref_timeint .siteStats(region=region)
ref_spaceint [region] = ref .siteStats(region=region)
com_period_mean[region] = com_timeint .siteStats(region=region)
com_spaceint [region] = com .siteStats(region=region)
bias_val [region] = bias .siteStats(region=region)
bias_score [region] = bias_score_map .siteStats(region=region,weight=normalizer)
if not skip_cycle:
ref_mean_cycle [region] = ref_cycle .siteStats(region=region)
ref_dtcycle [region] = deepcopy(ref_mean_cycle[region])
ref_dtcycle [region].data -= ref_mean_cycle[region].data.mean()
com_mean_cycle [region] = com_cycle .siteStats(region=region)
com_dtcycle [region] = deepcopy(com_mean_cycle[region])
com_dtcycle [region].data -= com_mean_cycle[region].data.mean()
shift [region] = shift_map .siteStats(region=region,intabs=True)
shift_score [region] = shift_score_map.siteStats(region=region,weight=normalizer)
if not skip_rmse:
rmse_val [region] = rmse .siteStats(region=region)
rmse_score [region] = rmse_score_map .siteStats(region=region,weight=normalizer)
if not skip_iav:
iav_score [region] = iav_score_map .siteStats(region=region,weight=normalizer)
ref_period_mean[region].name = "Period Mean (original grids) %s" % (region)
ref_spaceint [region].name = "spaceint_of_%s_over_%s" % (,region)
com_period_mean[region].name = "Period Mean (original grids) %s" % (region)
com_spaceint [region].name = "spaceint_of_%s_over_%s" % (,region)
bias_val [region].name = "Bias %s" % (region)
bias_score [region].name = "Bias Score %s" % (region)
if not skip_rmse:
rmse_val [region].name = "RMSE %s" % (region)
rmse_score [region].name = "RMSE Score %s" % (region)
if not skip_iav:
iav_score [region].name = "Interannual Variability Score %s" % (region)
if not skip_cycle:
ref_mean_cycle[region].name = "cycle_of_%s_over_%s" % (,region)
ref_dtcycle [region].name = "dtcycle_of_%s_over_%s" % (,region)
com_mean_cycle[region].name = "cycle_of_%s_over_%s" % (,region)
com_dtcycle [region].name = "dtcycle_of_%s_over_%s" % (,region)
shift [region].name = "Phase Shift %s" % (region)
shift_score [region].name = "Seasonal Cycle Score %s" % (region)
# Unit conversions
def _convert(var,unit):
if type(var) == type({}):
for key in var.keys(): var[key].convert(unit)
if table_unit is not None:
for var in [ref_period_mean,com_period_mean,ref_union_mean,com_union_mean,ref_comp_mean,com_comp_mean]:
if plot_unit is not None:
plot_vars = [com_timeint,ref_timeint,bias,com_spaceint,ref_spaceint,bias_val]
if not skip_rmse: plot_vars += [rmse,rmse_val]
if not skip_cycle: plot_vars += [com_mean_cycle,ref_mean_cycle,com_dtcycle,ref_dtcycle]
if not skip_iav: plot_vars += [com_iav]
for var in plot_vars: _convert(var,plot_unit)
# Rename and optionally dump out information to netCDF4 files
com_timeint .name = "timeint_of_%s" %
bias .name = "bias_map_of_%s" %
bias_score_map .name = "biasscore_map_of_%s" %
out_vars = [com_period_mean,
if com_spaceint[list(com_spaceint.keys())[0]].data.size > 1: out_vars.append(com_spaceint)
if not skip_cycle:
com_maxt_map .name = "phase_map_of_%s" %
shift_map .name = "shift_map_of_%s" % = "shiftscore_map_of_%s" %
if not skip_rmse:
rmse .name = "rmse_map_of_%s" % = "rmsescore_map_of_%s" %
if not skip_iav: = "iav_map_of_%s" % = "iavscore_map_of_%s" %
if dataset is not None:
for var in out_vars:
if type(var) == type({}):
for key in var.keys(): var[key].toNetCDF4(dataset,group="MeanState")
for key in sd_score.keys():
"R" :space_cor[key].data})
# Rename and optionally dump out information to netCDF4 files
out_vars = [ref_period_mean,ref_timeint]
if ref_spaceint[list(ref_spaceint.keys())[0]].data.size > 1: out_vars.append(ref_spaceint)
ref_timeint .name = "timeint_of_%s" %
if not skip_cycle: = "phase_map_of_%s" %
out_vars += [ref_maxt_map,ref_mean_cycle,ref_dtcycle]
if not skip_iav: = "iav_map_of_%s" %
if benchmark_dataset is not None:
for var in out_vars:
if type(var) == type({}):
for key in var.keys(): var[key].toNetCDF4(benchmark_dataset,group="MeanState")
def AnalysisMeanStateSpace(ref,com,**keywords):
"""Perform a mean state analysis.
This mean state analysis examines the model mean state in space
and time. We compute the mean variable value over the time period
at each spatial cell or data site as appropriate, as well as the
bias and RMSE relative to the observational variable. We will
output maps of the period mean values and bias. For each spatial
cell or data site we also estimate the phase of the variable by
finding the mean time of year when the maximum occurs and the
phase shift by computing the difference in phase with respect to
the observational variable. In the spatial dimension, we compute a
spatial mean for each of the desired regions and an average annual
obs : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the observational (reference) variable
mod : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the model (comparison) variable
regions : list of str, optional
the regions overwhich to apply the analysis
dataset : netCDF4.Dataset, optional
a open dataset in write mode for caching the results of the
analysis which pertain to the model
benchmark_dataset : netCDF4.Dataset, optional
a open dataset in write mode for caching the results of the
analysis which pertain to the observations
space_mean : bool, optional
disable to compute sums of the variable over space instead of
mean values
table_unit : str, optional
the unit to use when displaying output in tables on the HTML page
plots_unit : str, optional
the unit to use when displaying output on plots on the HTML page
from .Variable import Variable
regions = keywords.get("regions" ,["global"])
dataset = keywords.get("dataset" ,None)
benchmark_dataset = keywords.get("benchmark_dataset",None)
space_mean = keywords.get("space_mean" ,True)
table_unit = keywords.get("table_unit" ,None)
plot_unit = keywords.get("plot_unit" ,None)
mass_weighting = keywords.get("mass_weighting" ,False)
skip_rmse = keywords.get("skip_rmse" ,False)
skip_iav = keywords.get("skip_iav" ,True )
skip_cycle = keywords.get("skip_cycle" ,False)
ref_timeint = keywords.get("ref_timeint" ,None)
com_timeint = keywords.get("com_timeint" ,None)
rmse_score_basis = keywords.get("rmse_score_basis" ,"cycle")
ILAMBregions = Regions()
spatial = ref.spatial
# Convert str types to booleans
if type(skip_rmse) == type(""):
skip_rmse = (skip_rmse.lower() == "true")
if type(skip_iav ) == type(""):
skip_iav = (skip_iav .lower() == "true")
if type(skip_cycle) == type(""):
skip_cycle = (skip_cycle.lower() == "true")
# Check if we need to skip parts of the analysis
if not ref.monthly : skip_cycle = True
if ref.time.size < 12: skip_cycle = True
if ref.time.size == 1: skip_rmse = True
if skip_rmse : skip_iav = True
name =
# Interpolate both reference and comparison to a grid composed of
# their cell breaks
lat,lon,lat_bnds,lon_bnds = _composeGrids(ref,com)
REF = ref.interpolate(lat=lat,lon=lon,lat_bnds=lat_bnds,lon_bnds=lon_bnds)
COM = com.interpolate(lat=lat,lon=lon,lat_bnds=lat_bnds,lon_bnds=lon_bnds)
unit = REF.unit
area = REF.area
ndata = REF.ndata
# Find the mean values over the time period
if ref_timeint is None:
ref_timeint = ref.integrateInTime(mean=True).convert(plot_unit)
REF_timeint = REF.integrateInTime(mean=True).convert(plot_unit)
REF_timeint = ref_timeint.interpolate(lat=lat,lon=lon,lat_bnds=lat_bnds,lon_bnds=lon_bnds)
if com_timeint is None:
com_timeint = com.integrateInTime(mean=True).convert(plot_unit)
COM_timeint = COM.integrateInTime(mean=True).convert(plot_unit)
COM_timeint = com_timeint.interpolate(lat=lat,lon=lon,lat_bnds=lat_bnds,lon_bnds=lon_bnds)
normalizer = if mass_weighting else None
# Report period mean values over all possible representations of
# land
ref_and_com = ( == False) * ( == False)
ref_not_com = ( == False) * ( == True )
com_not_ref = ( == True ) * ( == False)
if benchmark_dataset is not None: = "timeint_of_%s" % name
for region in regions:
# reference period mean on original grid
ref_period_mean = ref_timeint.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=space_mean).convert(table_unit) = "Period Mean (original grids) %s" % region
if dataset is not None: = "timeint_of_%s" % name
for region in regions:
# reference period mean on intersection of land
ref_union_mean = Variable(name = "REF_and_com", unit = REF_timeint.unit,
data =,mask=(ref_and_com==False)),
lat = lat, lat_bnds = lat_bnds, lon = lon, lon_bnds = lon_bnds,
area = REF_timeint.area).integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=space_mean).convert(table_unit) = "Benchmark Period Mean (intersection) %s" % region
# reference period mean on complement of land
ref_comp_mean = Variable(name = "REF_not_com", unit = REF_timeint.unit,
data =,mask=(ref_not_com==False)),
lat = lat, lat_bnds = lat_bnds, lon = lon, lon_bnds = lon_bnds,
area = REF_timeint.area).integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=space_mean).convert(table_unit) = "Benchmark Period Mean (complement) %s" % region
# comparison period mean on original grid
com_period_mean = com_timeint.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=space_mean).convert(table_unit) = "Period Mean (original grids) %s" % region
# comparison period mean on intersection of land
com_union_mean = Variable(name = "ref_and_COM", unit = COM_timeint.unit,
data =,mask=(ref_and_com==False)),
lat = lat, lat_bnds = lat_bnds, lon = lon, lon_bnds = lon_bnds,
area = COM_timeint.area).integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=space_mean).convert(table_unit) = "Model Period Mean (intersection) %s" % region
# comparison period mean on complement of land
com_comp_mean = Variable(name = "COM_not_ref", unit = COM_timeint.unit,
data =,mask=(com_not_ref==False)),
lat = lat, lat_bnds = lat_bnds, lon = lon, lon_bnds = lon_bnds,
area = COM_timeint.area).integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=space_mean).convert(table_unit) = "Model Period Mean (complement) %s" % region
# Now that we are done reporting on the intersection / complement,
# set all masks to the intersection += np.ones(REF.time.size,dtype=bool)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * (ref_and_com==False) += np.ones(COM.time.size,dtype=bool)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * (ref_and_com==False) = (ref_and_com==False) = (ref_and_com==False)
if mass_weighting: normalizer.mask = (ref_and_com==False)
# Spatial Distribution: scalars and scores
if dataset is not None:
for region in regions:
space_std,space_cor,sd_score = REF_timeint.spatialDistribution(COM_timeint,region=region) = "Spatial Distribution Score %s" % region
# Cycle: maps, scalars, and scores
if not skip_cycle:
ref_cycle = REF.annualCycle()
ref_maxt_map = ref_cycle.timeOfExtrema(etype="max") = "phase_map_of_%s" % name
com_cycle = COM.annualCycle()
com_maxt_map = com_cycle.timeOfExtrema(etype="max") = "phase_map_of_%s" % name
shift_map = ref_maxt_map.phaseShift(com_maxt_map) = "shift_map_of_%s" % name
shift_score_map = ScoreSeasonalCycle(shift_map) = "shiftscore_map_of_%s" % name /= 30.; shift_map.unit = "months"
if benchmark_dataset is not None:
for region in regions:
ref_mean_cycle = ref_cycle.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True) = "cycle_of_%s_over_%s" % (name,region)
ref_dtcycle = deepcopy(ref_mean_cycle) -= = "dtcycle_of_%s_over_%s" % (name,region)
if dataset is not None:
shift_map .toNetCDF4(dataset,group="MeanState")
for region in regions:
com_mean_cycle = com_cycle.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True) = "cycle_of_%s_over_%s" % (name,region)
com_dtcycle = deepcopy(com_mean_cycle) -= = "dtcycle_of_%s_over_%s" % (name,region)
shift = shift_map.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True,intabs=True)
shift_score = shift_score_map.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True,weight=normalizer)
shift .name = "Phase Shift %s" % region
shift .toNetCDF4(dataset,group="MeanState") = "Seasonal Cycle Score %s" % region
del shift_map,shift_score_map
# IAV: maps, scalars, scores
if not skip_iav:
REF_iav = Variable(data =,,ref_cycle.time),,
unit = unit,
time = REF.time, time_bnds = REF.time_bnds,
lat = lat, lat_bnds = lat_bnds, lon = lon, lon_bnds = lon_bnds,
area = REF.area, ndata = REF.ndata).rms()
COM_iav = Variable(data =,,com_cycle.time),,
unit = unit,
time = COM.time, time_bnds = COM.time_bnds,
lat = lat, lat_bnds = lat_bnds, lon = lon, lon_bnds = lon_bnds,
area = COM.area, ndata = COM.ndata).rms()
iav_score_map = Score(Variable(name = "diff %s" % name, unit = unit,
data = (,
lat = lat, lat_bnds = lat_bnds, lon = lon, lon_bnds = lon_bnds,
area = area, ndata = ndata),
if benchmark_dataset is not None: = "iav_map_of_%s" % name
if dataset is not None: = "iav_map_of_%s" % name
COM_iav.toNetCDF4(dataset,group="MeanState") = "iavscore_map_of_%s" % name
for region in regions:
iav_score = iav_score_map.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True,weight=normalizer) = "Interannual Variability Score %s" % region
del ref_cycle,com_cycle,REF_iav,COM_iav,iav_score_map
# Bias: maps, scalars, and scores
bias = REF_timeint.bias(COM_timeint).convert(plot_unit)
cREF = Variable(name = "centralized %s" % name, unit = REF.unit,
data =[np.newaxis,...],,
time = REF.time, time_bnds = REF.time_bnds, ndata = REF.ndata,
lat = lat, lat_bnds = lat_bnds, lon = lon, lon_bnds = lon_bnds, area = REF.area).convert(plot_unit)
REF_std = cREF.rms()
if skip_rmse: del cREF
bias_score_map = Score(bias,REF_std if REF.time.size > 1 else REF_timeint) = (ref_and_com==False) # for some reason I need to explicitly force the mask
if dataset is not None: = "bias_map_of_%s" % name
bias.toNetCDF4(dataset,group="MeanState") = "biasscore_map_of_%s" % name
for region in regions:
bias_val = bias.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True).convert(plot_unit) = "Bias %s" % region
bias_score = bias_score_map.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True,weight=normalizer) = "Bias Score %s" % region
del bias,bias_score_map
# Spatial mean: plots
if REF.time.size > 1:
if benchmark_dataset is not None:
for region in regions:
ref_spaceint = REF.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True) = "spaceint_of_%s_over_%s" % (name,region)
if dataset is not None:
for region in regions:
com_spaceint = COM.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True) = "spaceint_of_%s_over_%s" % (name,region)
# RMSE: maps, scalars, and scores
if (not skip_rmse) and (rmse_score_basis == "series"):
rmse = REF.rmse(COM).convert(plot_unit)
del REF
cCOM = Variable(name = "centralized %s" % name, unit = unit,
data =[np.newaxis,...],,
time = COM.time, time_bnds = COM.time_bnds,
lat = lat, lat_bnds = lat_bnds, lon = lon, lon_bnds = lon_bnds,
area = COM.area, ndata = COM.ndata).convert(plot_unit)
import psutil
rank = comm.Get_rank()
pname = MPI.Get_processor_name()
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
used = process.memory_info().rss*1e-9
msg = "[%d][%s] Process peak memory %.2f [Gb]" % (rank,pname,used)
del COM
crmse = cREF.rmse(cCOM).convert(plot_unit)
del cREF,cCOM
rmse_score_map = Score(crmse,REF_std)
if dataset is not None: = "rmse_map_of_%s" % name
rmse.toNetCDF4(dataset,group="MeanState") = "rmsescore_map_of_%s" % name
for region in regions:
rmse_val = rmse.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True).convert(plot_unit) = "RMSE %s" % region
rmse_score = rmse_score_map.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True,weight=normalizer) = "RMSE Score %s" % region
del rmse,crmse,rmse_score_map
# RMSE based on annual cycle
if (not skip_rmse) and (rmse_score_basis == "cycle"):
ref_cycle = REF.annualCycle()
ref_dtcycle = deepcopy(ref_cycle)
com_cycle = COM.annualCycle()
com_dtcycle = deepcopy(com_cycle)
with np.errstate(under='ignore'): -= -=
rmse = ref_cycle.rmse(com_cycle).convert(plot_unit)
crmse = ref_dtcycle.rmse(com_dtcycle).convert(plot_unit)
rmse_score_map = Score(crmse,REF_std)
if dataset is not None: = "rmse_map_of_%s" % name
rmse.toNetCDF4(dataset,group="MeanState") = "rmsescore_map_of_%s" % name
for region in regions:
rmse_val = rmse.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True).convert(plot_unit) = "RMSE %s" % region
rmse_score = rmse_score_map.integrateInSpace(region=region,mean=True,weight=normalizer) = "RMSE Score %s" % region
del rmse,crmse,rmse_score_map
[docs]def ClipTime(v,t0,tf):
"""Remove time from a variable based on input bounds.
v : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the variable to trim
t0,tf : float
the times at which to trim
vtrim : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the trimmed variable
begin = np.argmin(np.abs(v.time_bnds[:,0]-t0))
end = np.argmin(np.abs(v.time_bnds[:,1]-tf))
if np.abs(v.time_bnds[begin,0]-t0) > 1e-6:
while v.time_bnds[begin,0] > t0:
begin -= 1
if begin <= 0:
begin = 0
if np.abs(v.time_bnds[end,1]-tf) > 1e-6:
while v.time_bnds[end, 1] < tf:
end += 1
if end >= v.time.size-1:
end = v.time.size-1
v.time = v.time [begin:(end+1) ]
v.time_bnds = v.time_bnds[begin:(end+1),...] = [begin:(end+1),...]
if v.data_bnds is not None:
v.data_bnds = v.data_bnds[begin:(end+1),...]
return v
[docs]def MakeComparable(ref,com,**keywords):
r"""Make two variables comparable.
Given a reference variable and a comparison variable, make the two
variables comparable or raise an exception explaining why they are
ref : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the reference variable object
com : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the comparison variable object
clip_ref : bool, optional
enable in order to clip the reference variable time using the
limits of the comparison variable (defult is False)
mask_ref : bool, optional
enable in order to mask the reference variable using an
interpolation of the comparison variable (defult is False)
eps : float, optional
used to determine how close you can be to a specific time
(expressed in days since 1-1-1850) and still be considered the
same time (default is 30 minutes)
window : float, optional
specify to extend the averaging intervals (in days since
1-1-1850) when a variable must be coarsened (default is 0)
ref : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the modified reference variable object
com : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the modified comparison variable object
# Process keywords
clip_ref = keywords.get("clip_ref" ,False)
mask_ref = keywords.get("mask_ref" ,False)
eps = keywords.get("eps" ,30./60./24.)
window = keywords.get("window" ,0.)
extents = keywords.get("extents" ,np.asarray([[-90.,+90.],[-180.,+180.]]))
logstring = keywords.get("logstring","")
prune_sites = keywords.get("prune_sites",False)
site_atol = keywords.get("site_atol",0.25)
allow_diff_times = keywords.get("allow_diff_times",False)
# If one variable is temporal, then they both must be
if ref.temporal != com.temporal:
msg = "%s Datasets are not uniformly temporal: " % logstring
msg += "reference = %s, comparison = %s" % (ref.temporal,com.temporal)
raise VarsNotComparable()
# If the reference is spatial, the comparison must be
if ref.spatial and not com.spatial:
ref = ref.extractDatasites(,com.lon)
msg = "%s The reference dataset is spatial but the comparison is site-based. " % logstring
msg += "Extracted %s sites from the reference to match the comparison." % ref.ndata
# If the reference is layered, the comparison must be
if ref.layered and not com.layered:
if ref.depth.size == 1:
com.layered = True
com.depth = ref.depth
com.depth_bnds = ref.depth_bnds
shp = list(
insert = 0
if com.temporal: insert = 1
shp.insert(insert,1) =
msg = "%s Datasets are not uniformly layered: " % logstring
msg += "reference = %s, comparison = %s" % (ref.layered,com.layered)
raise NotLayeredVariable()
# If the reference represents observation sites, extract them from
# the comparison
if ref.ndata is not None and com.spatial: com = com.extractDatasites(,ref.lon)
# If both variables represent observations sites, make sure you
# have the same number of sites and that they represent the same
# location. Note this is after the above extraction so at this
# point the ndata field of both variables should be equal.
if (prune_sites) and (ref.ndata is not None) and (com.ndata is not None):
deps = 1.0
# prune the reference
r = np.sqrt(([:,np.newaxis]**2+(ref.lon[:,np.newaxis]-com.lon)**2)
rind = r.argmin(axis=0)
rind = rind[np.where(r[rind,range(com.ndata)]<deps)] =[rind]; ref.lon = ref.lon[rind]; =[...,rind]
msg = "%s Pruned %d sites from the reference and " % (logstring,
ref.ndata =
# prune the comparison
r = np.sqrt(([:,np.newaxis]**2+(com.lon[:,np.newaxis]-ref.lon)**2)
rind = r.argmin(axis=0)
rind = rind[np.where(r[rind,range(ref.ndata)]<deps)] =[rind]; com.lon = com.lon[rind]; =[...,rind]
msg += "%d sites from the comparison." % (
com.ndata =
if ref.ndata != com.ndata:
msg = "%s One or both datasets are understood as site data but differ in number of sites: " % logstring
msg += "reference = %d, comparison = %d" % (ref.ndata,com.ndata)
raise VarsNotComparable()
if ref.ndata is not None:
if not (np.allclose(,,atol=site_atol) or np.allclose(ref.lon,com.lon,atol=site_atol)):
msg = "%s Datasets represent sites, but the locations are different: " % logstring
msg += "maximum difference lat = %.2f, lon = %.2f" % (np.abs((,
raise VarsNotComparable()
# If the datasets are both spatial, ensure that both represent the
# same spatial area and trim the datasets if not.
if ref.spatial and com.spatial:
lat_bnds = (max(ref.lat_bnds[ 0,0],com.lat_bnds[ 0,0],extents[0,0]),
lon_bnds = (max(ref.lon_bnds[ 0,0],com.lon_bnds[ 0,0],extents[1,0]),
# Clip reference
diff = np.abs([ref.lat_bnds[[0,-1],[0,1]]-lat_bnds,
if diff.max() >= 5.:
shp0 = np.asarray(np.copy(,dtype=int)
ref.trim(lat=[lat_bnds[0] if diff[0,0] >= 5. else -90.,
lat_bnds[1] if diff[0,1] >= 5. else +90],
lon=[lon_bnds[0] if diff[1,0] >= 5. else -180.,
lon_bnds[1] if diff[1,1] >= 5. else +180])
shp = np.asarray(np.copy(,dtype=int)
msg = "%s Spatial data was clipped from the reference: " % logstring
msg += " before: %s" % (shp0)
msg += " after: %s" % (shp )
# Clip comparison
diff = np.abs([com.lat_bnds[[0,-1],[0,1]]-lat_bnds,
if diff.max() >= 5.:
shp0 = np.asarray(np.copy(,dtype=int)
com.trim(lat=[lat_bnds[0] if diff[0,0] >= 5. else -90.,
lat_bnds[1] if diff[0,1] >= 5. else +90],
lon=[lon_bnds[0] if diff[1,0] >= 5. else -180.,
lon_bnds[1] if diff[1,1] >= 5. else +180])
shp = np.asarray(np.copy(,dtype=int)
msg = "%s Spatial data was clipped from the comparison: " % logstring
msg += " before: %s" % (shp0)
msg += " after: %s" % (shp )
if ref.temporal:
# If the reference time scale is significantly larger than the
# comparison, coarsen the comparison
if np.log10(ref.dt/com.dt) > 0.5:
com = com.coarsenInTime(ref.time_bnds,window=window)
# Time bounds of the reference dataset
t0 = ref.time_bnds[ 0,0]
tf = ref.time_bnds[-1,1]
# Find the comparison time range which fully encompasses the reference
com = ClipTime(com,t0,tf)
if clip_ref:
# We will clip the reference dataset too
t0 = max(t0,com.time_bnds[ 0,0])
tf = min(tf,com.time_bnds[-1,1])
ref = ref.trim(t=[t0,tf])
# Check that we now are on the same time intervals
if not allow_diff_times:
if ref.time.size != com.time.size:
# Special case - it frequently works out that we are 1
# time interval off for some reason. For now, we will
# detect this and push a fix.
if ref.time.size == (com.time.size+1):
ref.time = ref.time[1:]
ref.time_bnds = ref.time_bnds[1:] =[1:]
msg = "%s Datasets have differing numbers of time intervals: " % logstring
msg += "reference = %d, comparison = %d" % (ref.time.size,com.time.size)
raise VarsNotComparable()
if not np.allclose(ref.time_bnds,com.time_bnds,atol=0.75*ref.dt):
msg = "%s Datasets are defined at different times" % logstring
raise VarsNotComparable()
if ref.layered:
# Try to resolve if the layers from the two quantities are
# different
if ref.depth.size == com.depth.size == 1:
ref = ref.integrateInDepth(mean = True)
com = com.integrateInDepth(mean = True)
elif ref.depth.size != com.depth.size:
# Compute the mean values from the comparison over the
# layer breaks of the reference.
if ref.depth.size == 1 and com.depth.size > 1:
com = com.integrateInDepth(z0=ref.depth_bnds[ 0,0],
mean = True)
ref = ref.integrateInDepth(mean = True) # just removing the depth dimension
if not np.allclose(ref.depth,com.depth):
msg = "%s Datasets have a different layering scheme" % logstring
raise VarsNotComparable()
# Convert the comparison to the units of the reference
com = com.convert(ref.unit)
return ref,com
[docs]def CombineVariables(V):
"""Combines a list of variables into a single variable.
This routine is intended to be used to merge variables when
separate moments in time are scattered over several files.
V : list of ILAMB.Variable.Variable
a list of variables to merge into a single variable
v : ILAMB.Variable.Variable
the merged variable
from .Variable import Variable
# checks on data
assert type(V) == type([])
if len(V) == 1: return V[0]
for v in V: assert v.temporal
# Put list in order by initial time
V.sort(key=lambda v: v.time[0])
# Check the beginning and ends times for monotonicity
nV = len(V)
t0 = np.zeros(nV)
tf = np.zeros(nV)
nt = np.zeros(nV,dtype=int)
ind = [0]
for i,v in enumerate(V):
t0[i] = v.time[ 0]
tf[i] = v.time[-1]
nt[i] = v.time.size
# Checks on monotonicity
if (((t0[1:]-t0[:-1]).min() < 0) or
((tf[1:]-tf[:-1]).min() < 0) or
((t0[1:]-tf[:-1]).min() < 0)):
msg = "[MonotonicityError]"
for i in range(nV):
err = ""
if i > 0 :
err += "" if t0[i] > tf[i-1] else "*"
err += "" if t0[i] > t0[i-1] else "*"
if i < (nV-1):
err += "" if tf[i+1] > t0[i ] else "*"
err += "" if tf[i+1] > tf[i ] else "*"
msg += "\n %2d: t = [%.3f, %.3f] %2s %s" % (i,t0[i],tf[i],err,V[i].filename)
raise MonotonicityError()
# Assemble the data
shp = (nt.sum(),)+V[0].data.shape[1:]
time = np.zeros(shp[0])
time_bnds = np.zeros((shp[0],2))
data = np.zeros(shp)
mask = np.zeros(shp,dtype=bool)
for i,v in enumerate(V):
time [ind[i]:ind[i+1]] = v.time
time_bnds[ind[i]:ind[i+1],...] = v.time_bnds
data [ind[i]:ind[i+1],...] =
mask [ind[i]:ind[i+1],...] =
# If assembled from single slice files and no time bounds were
# provided, they will not be reflective of true bounds here. If
# any dt's are 0, make time_bounds none and recompute in the
# constructor.
if np.any((time_bnds[:,1]-time_bnds[:,0])<1e-12): time_bnds = None
v = V[0]
v = Variable(data =,mask=mask),
unit = v.unit,
name =,
time = time,
time_bnds = time_bnds,
depth = v.depth,
depth_bnds = v.depth_bnds,
lat =,
lat_bnds = v.lat_bnds,
lon = v.lon,
lon_bnds = v.lon_bnds,
area = v.area,
ndata = v.ndata)
v.attr = V[0].attr
return v
def ConvertBoundsTypes(x):
y = None
if x.ndim == 2:
y = np.zeros(x.shape[0]+1)
y[:-1] = x[ :, 0]
y[ -1] = x[-1,-1]
if x.ndim == 1:
y = np.zeros((x.shape[0]-1,2))
y[:,0] = x[:-1]
y[:,1] = x[+1:]
return y
def LandLinInterMissingValues(mdata):
land = np.any(mdata.mask,axis=0)==False
data =[data.mask] = 0.
data.fill_value = 0.
data =
land = land.astype(int)
smooth = data*land[np.newaxis,...]
suml = np.copy(land)
smooth[:,1:-1,1:-1] += data[:, :-2, :-2]*land[np.newaxis, :-2, :-2]
suml [ 1:-1,1:-1] += land[ :-2, :-2]
smooth[:,1:-1,1:-1] += data[:, :-2,1:-1]*land[np.newaxis, :-2,1:-1]
suml [ 1:-1,1:-1] += land[ :-2,1:-1]
smooth[:,1:-1,1:-1] += data[:, :-2, +2:]*land[np.newaxis, :-2, +2:]
suml [ 1:-1,1:-1] += land[ :-2, +2:]
smooth[:,1:-1,1:-1] += data[:,1:-1, :-2]*land[np.newaxis,1:-1, :-2]
suml [ 1:-1,1:-1] += land[ 1:-1, :-2]
smooth[:,1:-1,1:-1] += data[:,1:-1, +2:]*land[np.newaxis,1:-1, +2:]
suml [ 1:-1,1:-1] += land[ 1:-1, +2:]
smooth[:,1:-1,1:-1] += data[:, +2:, :-2]*land[np.newaxis, +2:, :-2]
suml [ 1:-1,1:-1] += land[ +2:, :-2]
smooth[:,1:-1,1:-1] += data[:, +2:,1:-1]*land[np.newaxis, +2:,1:-1]
suml [ 1:-1,1:-1] += land[ +2:,1:-1]
smooth[:,1:-1,1:-1] += data[:, +2:, +2:]*land[np.newaxis, +2:, +2:]
suml [ 1:-1,1:-1] += land[ +2:, +2:]
smooth /= suml.clip(1)
smooth = (mdata.mask==True)*smooth + (mdata.mask==False)*
return smooth
class FileContextManager():
def __init__(self,master,mod_results,obs_results):
self.master = master
self.mod_results = mod_results
self.obs_results = obs_results
self.mod_dset = None
self.obs_dset = None
def __enter__(self):
# Open the file on entering, both if you are the master
self.mod_dset = Dataset(self.mod_results,mode="w")
if self.master: self.obs_dset = Dataset(self.obs_results,mode="w")
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
# Always close the file(s) on exit
if self.master: self.obs_dset.close()
# If an exception occurred, also remove the files
if exc_type is not None:
os.system("rm -f %s" % self.mod_results)